This is the last movie that I watch in 2007 >>> Alien VS Predator 2. I thought this show must be very nice and exciting but after watch I feel absolutely regret!!!! Because it is sucks and not nice at all. Do not waste the money, energy and time to watch this movie. Huh ~ No matter how I already watched it so...Just forget abt it ^^
We are going to KL 2molo because need 2 move the stuff to there. Especially Suharto, because his contract will end by this year so I need to give him my hand to help...If not I also don't know his stuff can move to where??Pity him...So I won't move too much my stuff la. Worry later don't have enough space to put his stuff. this moment, somebody said he wants to move his all baju la..move his tilam la...move move move.... I feel very weird, why he like this le? Ms Tan provided tilam for us already, somemore I am sure the tilam that she gave us is better alot than his one. Haizzz...Then he said he will not follow us back on Tuesday because he wants t study at there and will stay at there about 7 days like that...What a weird small boy????
* Somebody = Liew* I am just fight to him. Not consider fight also, he scold me. I don't know why I just want to ask him what time he will reach Suharto's apartment. He pulak bosong and scold me, what is this man? I am susah susah arrange the time for everyone, who is he to scold me?? Shit man $#$#$@$@@#@$#$%#$#@ So now I didn't talk to him also.
I will celebrate my New year (2008) at Kuala Lumpur my new house. We decided bring play card, Millionaire, junk foods, drinks, beer etc go there and ENJOY our 2008. I love 2008 very much because of the...number. Got 8 means good luck. hahaha ^^ Christmas is a good day for us to Forget & Forgive. So very soon, new year coming...Since I already 4get in Christmas so this is a very good chance for me to....get a new life?? haha..For me, the most important is no matter how, just make sure try the best and DO NOT REGRET !!!! It is more than enough...
From queen bed to single bed...The feeling is amazing !! I know the world is changing so I must adapt myself to the new world. If I always stay at the same step, I will be Fire one day. So I must keep improving everything that I do. Lat time joined National Service for 3 months, stay in the jungle for 1 month and 2 months in a Islamic University. The feeling might be same with now but.. now is 1 year. Not a short period. I will miss my parents and family all the time. My house car...hahaha
I WILL SURVIVE !!!!! Feel Freedom that stay at KL with friends, can do whatever that I want. Don't think too much please..But actually my parents giving me a lot of freedom also. I think there are not big different la..
See ya ^^
Firstly, I would like to Thank Sister Chan. Because he gave me a small but sweet surprise. He gave a flower that make by himself. Even it is small and not a expensive stuff BUT I am appreciate it very much. Thanks a lot Sister Chan!!!!!!!!!! I am sure if u cant get your Miss right, you will treat her very good. But make sure you learn from mistake ok? You know I know la...hahahahaha
Secondly, Thanks Bernie for inviting me to your home party and the present you gave me. Feel so paiseh because we shoud give you but in the end you gave me pulak. You are so kind. Love you ** ya..SPY and I owe you one present ok? What you want?? Don't too expensive la. No money ^^
I am very happy because this year is my first year to celebrate Christmas. Previosu year because don't have the mood. This year I celebrated with my friends at Geograher and the feel is so GOOD. The song...The people...The atmosphere....I am loving it ^^
Anyway, I hope next year we can go to KL celebrate. wakakakakaka
Merry Christmas baby !!!!
Jingle Bell ~ ~ Jingle Bell~ ~ HoHoHoHoHoHoHO ~
2008 is coming soon. I got a lot of dreams hope can come true.
Tammy said Christmas is a Good Day for people to.....
Forget and Forgive !!!!!! Is it? This is my first time to hear.^^
Anyway, for me...Christmas is a Happy Day for me ^^
I can feel peaceful and blissful also. Especially the......
Christmas song... I can't stop listening man. so NICE ~ lol
Very soon, 2007 will past and I am doing my reflection now.
What I've done in this day ???? Mmmmmmmmm.....
Of course I've finished my year 2 and going to final year...
I got a new Laptop from my father...and %$%$%$$%$^#^
ya..I am an adult now because this year is my 21 years old.
No more?? Impossible...BUt really cannot remember ler..
But I know I lost alot and gain also . For example: friends
In 2008, I hope can ...........
1: Study hard and smart and complete my Degree.
2: My family can stay cool and happy 4-ever.
3: I can reduce 20kg ++ ( i am serious)
4: Go to Bali with my fellow friends. ^^
5: Got a BoyFriend giak giak giak...
6: Happy Happy Happy
Present that I want from Santa Claus.....
1: baby-G watch
2: Adidas sport shoes
3: Video Cam
4: camera
5: PDA
6: cash money RM500
7: Chanel No.5 (perfume)
If Santa Claus cannot see my blog nevermind...
My 7 classmates@best friends can choose either 1....
wakakakakakakaka...I am serious. lol
anyway, thanks Tammy for the most expensive perfume
in the world cost RM250 k ++. I am appreciate it ^^
Love you always xoxoxoxoxoxo
Fuyoh...He is so fantastic man. He is so good and help me alot.....His voice is so sweet and powerful...his color is black enough so for me he is COOL enough man....the speed he walks is so FAST and....hahahahaha. He is my new BoyFriend who called...Little Black. From Compaq family...Vista for me is sooooo fresh and i am not really know how 2 handle it. BUT one thing i am very sure is nice !!!!!!! so cooooooool ^^
His size is only 12" and 1.8kg...definately is slimmer than me. what Suharto always said...SMALL but POWERFULLLL!!!!!! Hopefully his means is same with me la. lol
Found that i seldom view my blog and my fellow friends also. The reason is I almost 4got already.Maybe recently just finish the English exam so too relax until...hahahaha. sorry la.**
After this paper i feel more relax because can feel that the stones in my heart are slowly slowly happy, i noe the final exam is coming soon BUT so weird...NO feeling at all. why?????
Mayb only 2 papers so for me...i got enough time 2 do my revision. mayb la..
Anyway, I wan 2 sleep now. so tired...kennot tahan eyes are si heavy haisss..
I am sure..i wil LOVE my boyfren very very deep much. who dare to bully him, i will kill the one. hahahahahahaaha.
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Sorry to inform that I cannot use the Toyota Unser on 14th Dec 2007 for K.Lumpur trip because my sister need it for working. I am so sorry about that...T-T
This song I purposely post for S.P.Y because I know YOU like it and....If I am not mistaken the original singer of this song is Landy WenLan, but for me this girl sang better than her. So......
Special for you ok?? enjoy ~ And I decided I wish she can be the champion for this batch. Why not the Annie Lin ( Hello Kitty) ?? Umm..because this girl look like Gigi Leung for me and she has a very special voice that can....touch my heart. I love her...hopefully she wont kena PK out by the Malaysian guy >> Lin Jian Hui. God Bless Her ~pls
So funny, MUST see. ~ hahahahahahahahahahahaha...
A story from an old man called " Thanks God, elephant do not fly" ~ You may not understand what the story trying to tell but never mind, because I am going to tell you guys now. This story is talking about a BOY accidentally got a shit from a bird when he is walking in a garden. But he did not do anything.. Maybe some people will try to shoot the bird or use the stone to harm the bird and so forth. unfortunately the boy didn't do anything and he just look at the sky and said : " Thanks God, Elephant Don;t Fly". Then he just go and clear the shit from his face. Why?? Because if he kena the elephant's shit, can you imagine? hahahahahaha
This story trying to tell us THINK positive. ( I guess so) haha. Anyway, I love this story so much because it is meaningful for me. Because when we think negative and easy to get angry ( like me) then we also will die soon. According to Mr Kong, he said when people get angry, the Blood will going up and going up to our brain. Then this is not good for our heath condition. Still don't understand? Okay, here are some examples for you to THINK. Hopefully can help you !!!!
Example ( 1) :
Let say a car bang you accidentally. Normally we will go down and try to scold the fella,, some people like zac will use some "special' words. So if you are the boy in this story, you might think....Thanks God, is just a normal car NOT a giant lorry. ^^
Example (2) :
For people who are 100kg now, maybe he can try to think..Thanks God, luckily NOT 200kg. haha. Nola..this one for me is TOO positive already, but for those who 100kg right now even more please....DO SOMETHING ok??
Example (3) :
One day you marry K.L.Liew. Hey girls, this is NOT an impossible matter, because sometimes will accidentally. haha. So at the moment you can think ...Thanks God, K.L.Liew also human being and he is a guy watt. hahahahaha
* The examples above are just for you to refer and make it more clear of the story. Just an example, so please dont get angry and I didn't mention YOUR full name so does not means is YOU ok. Please dont perasan and simply merajuk and get angry with me. Thanks God ~
Just now chat with yayun found that got some problems that make me very tired and cannot breath. She think that we are decided stay in BIG house with guys so she refused to give any opinion anymore because for her is useless. On the other hand, I remembered few days before Zachary also think that we all want to separate which means 4 girls one unit. One thing I want to say is .....seriously we haven't decide anything yet !!!!!!!! What make YOU think we want this and that? I am so suffer right now, how about discuss this after see the house???
To Yayun :
I am looking for Menara Condo even we got one unit in our hand which is Millionaire Condo. But according to your problem, you told me last time your father and green dragon not agree you stay with guys. Thats why I am trying to find a condo that 2 rooms with reasonable price. Although just now you said is ok to stay with guys, but I know you are more prefer stay with females only. I know...I know....
To Bernie :
According to your latest post, you said that your brother not agree you stay in condo because there are some problems also if stay in condo right? Or they just disagree you stay in Menara?? Ummmm ???????
To Zachary :
I know you sure will ask, what are the problems if girls stay with guys. You are not girls so u will NEVER know this in your lifetime. What I can say is, got the pro and cons. In my opinion, your case is similar with Yayun because you also think that we only looking for condo. You are wrong friend. I will contact the number of the double story house given by Ms Yeo last time ok? I repeat, WE HAVENT DECIDE ANYTHING YET SO FAR !!!! ok?
Conclusion :
I don't know others thinking actually. But if you guys got problem PLEASE voice out ok? I am really not agree that keep the problems in your heart because one day sure will .... I suggested voice out and find solution among each other. For me, this is the best way to solve problems. Seriously, condo is much more better than normal houses because of the environment. We also can enjoy the facilities that provided by the condo also. The problem is...some unit their price is terrible high and NOT reasonable. We have to know, we need to use a lot of money in next year also.
If you really choose to be silent, please make sure you can silent all the time and until end of the year ok? If your mouth say I AM ALRIGHT WITH EVERYTHING, please make sure you are really ALRIGHT ok? Remember my philosophy???
Just now when I'm watching the TV show, i saw something scary. Two lizards try to attract lipas and the lipas was so scared. The sound make me so worry about the lipas but I can;t do anything because.....I don;t know, just don;t have the motivation want to safe the lipas, maybe myself also scared. Ya...most likely ~ But after the first attraction the lipas became disable, the one cannot move anymore. What happen after that? Huh ~ the two lizards so bad, they pakat and did their second attraction man. I saw how the lipas try to ran away but it can't !!!!! At last the lizard also gave up ( don;t know why). What I know is....the lipas might die T T
Maybe this is what we called cycle. Frog must be eaten by snake and snake must be eaten by eagle and at last eagle will die because old already and their weapon not sharp anymore thus they can't catch the food anymore. Sad thing also = =
How about human being??? There are plenty of human being try to finish their journey by themselves, which means KILL themselves. This is very irresponsible because you will hurt those people are care of you, love you etc. Besides that, do you know in the world got a lot of people are trying their best to continue their life duration? For example: third world people or African. They did not give up and try and try everyday. Why we so cruel to our parents / family / lover and friends???? Sign ~
I wish i can rare a puppy in 2008 but S.P.Y disagree. But I am really hope I can. Because I found that my temper was terrible and I got no patient at all. So rare a pet is the best way to ...I know if I can't do well I will hurt the puppy. So at last I give up. But I am really really hope i can.
Sign again ~ ~
I feel great today because I did something good so feel so good ~ I feel that our world is so cute and nice, I am glad be a human being. Although I am not the best, not the smartest and prettiest but I know.....I am the one who appreciate with what I have.
Just now Mr Sahak from Stamford College P.J called me and he asked us go to P.J to see the house on 14th December ( Friday) around 2 something like that. So same as last time, we go after 0830 class ok? I am very sorry because sir said we have to go as soon as possible, because of the owner of the unit so I am already confirmed with him we are going on that day. How about you guys? Can go or not? Let me know please !!!
Besides that I am suggest you guys ( including myself) try the best to find more houses or condo then we can see on the same day also. In my opinion, we can try to see more houses so can choose the best and most suitable for us. I am not say that MUST confirm the Millionaire condo, of course if 8 of us can stay together the BEST ~ So have to spent some time to find ok??
According to Yayun's case, her father and boyfren disagree she stay with guys...I think I have to talk to her, or she need to talk to her father and Green dragon ( her BF ). I don't know Bernie's situation but S.P.Y and I are alright with this. We know there are pro and cons when we stay with guys ; on the other hand if all girls stay in a house also got the cons........There are NOTHING perfect in the world la.
Good Luck ^^
One of my favorite song.....
I know yayun sure will say I am outdated..
Aiyah..I like la..can;t change sorry ^^
enjoy ~

Of course got some love story summore.
Not bad because it bring some knowledge for us.
Something like DO NOT BE A BAD PERSON.
And if we do mistake just admit it rather than...
avoid it. Because it will influnce alot of ppl.
Strongly recommend for my frens..

It is because a lot of people said NICE.
Thats why make me want to watch also.
But at last..I am so disappointed.
Maybe is my problem but ...
I don;t like it.

it is talk abt FOOD. hahahaha..
besides that, i am more prefer romantic love story
than action la. lol
Sound like so pitiful because until old still need to...
enjoy work.Not really like force ourselves to love and
enjoy our career. The meaning is.....
Like Mr Kong, he is 70++ but still want to be
a lecturer in scm. The reason is he is really LOVE in teaching.
So he is enjoying his work now.
My idea come from zac's latest post,
he talks anout practicing. sometimes I
feel that chinese are so hardworking.
how about Malay???
Human beings must works.
When you are not competent, learn.
When you are competent, do it yourself.
When you are not familiar, practice more.
When you want to work, start immediately.
When you are poor, work all the more.
When you are rich, work harder.
If work is done wrongly, correct it.
When you are old, enjoy working more.
Today I learned a very important lesson from my friend Mr. Liew. From his face I know that I should not so busybody give so many comments on him. For example, ask him keep clean all the time, brush teeth, take bath always, change stocking everyday, wash toilet, wash fan, wash car and so forth. Because I know these are NOT my business.
I am very sorry about that, because for me I just feel that as a friend we should care about each others. If found that is not good we have to voice out and try our best to help. But today I am really regret with what i did these few years, I was so kepoh always make Mr Liew angry with me. He may feel embarrassing, I know I am sucks....
So after today, I decided do not get involve in others thing that not related to me at all. And I am so happy because I just need few hours and I did it. I am really can ignore him ( liew). Don't believe?? ok, here got a very good example: Just now after lunch we all went for our own thing, S.P.Y went for print her form and obviously I accompany her. After that we went to student lounge meet Suharto and Liew. I found that Liew didn't zip his pant, and from my past experience, I know if I inform him, he will angry with me so....Its time for me to change. lol
Finally I successful, I didn't inform him but Suharto did it. But I think Liew is not happy with it. Because he siad : ' Ok watt '. From his face we can see that he is purposely one, because there are few ladies doing their revision just now. ( joking)
Liew, sorry for last time and I am swear I will not busybody of your business anymore in future. Please forgive me ^^
but at last I didnt do because.....
I borrow my laptop to S.P.Y let her finish hers,
then can teach me in near future.
But I am very hardworking because I done 50%
of my PDP at there. hahahaha


The cafe called Shu Xuan, is a very nice place for us to study or do
revision, we may order a nice drink and spent whole day at there.
But too bad NO FOOD allow. Because they want 2 make sure..
The place is clean and free of RATssss.
The reason is still remain that is....
PICTURES can tell everything. lol
Besides that, I love to upload my pictures here,
because i am not need to keep in my pc...
this is a very good store for my pictures.
Kuala Lumpur on last Friday....
From the pictures can see that our happiness and
Hey guys, this is one of the Jay Chou song in his latest album. I am L.O.V.E this album so much and he never disappointed me. All the albums are NICE and got the different feeling. I am loving it, not like others singer always sing the same song. The feeling is still the same if compare to previous one. Besides Jay i think Lee Hom also very good. I am not only like this - rainbow, I also like that one 甜甜的 and 青花瓷. Of course got alot somemore la. But i am the person who are more prefer slow song, not like yayun. always sing the stupid song. our life need peacefullll.
cheers ~
Today the connection is sucks, I can't upload all my pictures...Recently I am enjoy with posting pictures, because a picture can tell whole story. ( something like that). But today I try and try again, but I can't. Finally I uploaded one, so lucky !! This is my mother's birthday cake for 45 years old. Mmmm it is a C.O.F.F.E.E cake with some cheese but I can't taste the cheese = ='''
Maybe recently eat too much QUALITY cheese cakes so this kind of NORMAL one I can't feel any cheese also. ( sound abit haolian) but it is true la. But this year my mama's birthday is NOT so happy la, because something happened. Ya.. something got related to my stupid sister ( Lina)
She told me on 16-11-2007 she can't celebrate with us because she need to go for a wedding dinner, then she suggested me give my mum $$ so she can buy what she likes. After 1 hour she said, you go and buy a cake, we go and celebrate later night. So, I said no problem.
Then after I bought the cake, I called her at evening ask her come earlier because i need to go out later, she said 10 something better because after dinner is hard to eat somemore. So ok, i went out and before I came back i called her and double confirm again. Walau... she told me, don't celebrate first la..we celebrate 2molo. WHAT ??? what the heck man, 2molo is not my mother;s birthday anymore ( i told her) then she said nevermind la. Ok..i askef her, why cancel?? She said my children sleep already and I am going for clubbing now. S.H.I.T man...
I scold her then finished story ~
Actually some will feel very weird and asked ( like S.P.Y) will ask, why not carry on without her? Well..actually she is not so important but her children are. They are my mama;s cucu so I think all the grandma wish to celebrate with them and take picture also. So i keep it for my mum lo.
Haiz..But finally we cut and eat the cake without blow candles because Chinese don;t like la..
If blow candle after birthday it is no good for the person. = ='''
And I believe that you treat your parents now, next time your children will treat you as same even worst. This is called KARMA in Buddhism but I think all the religion also believe in this. I admit sometimes i will rude to my parents but just the volume higher only. And I am regret after that...because my temper is worst man. so scary BUT i will change. ( need some time) ^^
Ok...lastly, i wish my mama has a very H.A.P.P.Y birthday for this year and every year.
Stay healthy always ~