Hey guys, today i am going to post pictures again.
The reason is still remain that is....
PICTURES can tell everything. lol
Besides that, I love to upload my pictures here,
because i am not need to keep in my pc...
this is a very good store for my pictures.

My heart will go on. = ='''

This is my table lamp. very nice ^^

A gift from Pn Zuraika, is a bookmark with my name.
I am loving it xoxoxox

When continue my member card from Sushi King..
I can use for next year at KL...giak giak giak.

When I touch the steel part, the lamp will on.
iizt nice??

Bookmark from Pn Zuraika again.
She is super kind lecturer in scm.
Love her always **

My Mickey Mouse watch ...
A ole-ole from my papa.

My new handphone....^^

My ' store' for my baju. too small not enough.

My certificate for diploma...

My room's NIGHT view. **

Latest model in 2008 of Nokia.

My printer. ummm..look professional

My personal computer...will not use it for next year.

My pc again...will give to my brother.

My achievements **