Some people around me keep saying the same thg 2 me..
It is " Strawberry, u sure can go far".

i wound like 2 ask....
what is the DEFINITION of far????
very Far means how far???
Japan? US ? UK ? India ? Africa????
I dont know....

I found that when ppl told me i can go far,
I feel STRESS >>>>> because i scared i kennot go.....
Dont expect i can go very far + high...
U may dissapointed one day ok????

I hope i can go far also.......

5 fed her strawberries:

dun care plp say you can go far o not. just FOCUS like what sylvia said and you can be successful one day. believe in yourself is more important.

all the best

belief urself...
bcz only urself knw how far u can go...


"going far CAN BE DEFINED AS..." by Liew Kee Loon.

hey, everybody can go far. spy, liew, chan, bernie, harto & yayun oso can go far.. it's juz how far u wan 2 go.. u determine for urself how far u wan 2 go.. start small, then take da next step 2 go bigger. far doesn't mean japan or africa. far cud be ur achievements, success & etc.. if u r prepared 2 work hard 4 it, "going far" is juz at ur hands' reach.

Lebih la...
dun understand ur comment at all..
sex...u may go far ^^

as wat i understand "go far" means

'it is when you can break your limit'

"most of the top people, 95% of them are an average people, but why do they success, it is because they do really understand their limit and they break it into pieces".
Suharto Warren Buffet Sitompul